12日メリダ市のユカタン自治大学で行われた式典の中で, 本間代表が「野口英世博士が後世に残した偉大な功績と教訓」と題する基調講演を行い、会場の内外を埋め尽くした500人を超える聴衆からは、異口同音に「心にしみる感動的なスピーチだった」との声が聞かれた。
今年の記念式典は、野口博士来墨100年という節目の年に当たり、高瀬 駐メキシコ日本国大使の他、日本からも横倉 日本医師会会長、黒川 日本医療政策機構代表理事などが出席した。
野口英世博士は、1919年と1920年、メキシコ ユカタン州からの要請を受けてロックフェラー医科大学(現ロックフェラー大学)からメリダ市のユカタン大学(現ユカタン自治大学)に派遣され、当時この地方に蔓延していた黄熱病患者を救済するためのワクチン開発研究に献身したことからユカタン州の人々は命の恩人として野口博士への畏敬の念を抱き、ユカタン自治大学の構内に「野口英世地域研究センター」を設立して医学研究を続けるなどして、野口博士の功績を讃え、その遺徳を後世につなぐ活動を今も熱心に続けている。
Dr. Shunichi Homma and Mr. Yoshio Kano from New York Hideyo Noguchi Memorial Society were greatly honored to have an opportunity to attend the above mentioned ceremony and events which were held on August 10 in Mexico City and August 11-12 in Merida City. On this very honorable occasion to admire and reflect on Dr. Noguchi’s legendary accomplishments, H.E Yasushi Takase, Japanese Ambassador to Mexico, Dr. Yoshitake Yokokura, President of Japan Medical Association, Dr. Kiyoshi Kurokawa, Chairman, Japan Health and Global Policy Institute, Dr. Jose Luis Akaki, President, Mexico-Japan Medical Foundation, Mr. Nobutaka Wakui, President, Association of Mexico-Japan, A,C., among numerous other leaders and distinguished persons in the Mexican-Japanese community in Mexico also attended. Dr. Homma and Mr. Kano carried special goodwill messages sent by Mr. Yasuo Yago, President of Hideyo Noguchi Memorial Foundation in Inawashiro, Fukushima Prefecture, the birth place of Dr. Noguchi, Dr. Timothy P. O’Connor, Executive Vice President, The Rockefeller University and Mr. Mitch Rose, President of The Woodlawn Cemetery and delivered these messages and best wishes to all the important persons who were affiliated with the commemorative events. Recipients of these heartfelt messages Included the President of Yucatan University and Dr. Matilde Jimenez Coello, Director of “Hideyo Noguchi Research Center” at the Yucatan University.
The opening day program and events on August 10th for the 6th Japanese-Mexican Medical Semina Commemorating Dr. Hideyo Noguchi’s Visit to Mexico was held at Association of Mexico-Japan, A.C., and Dr. Homma made a speech on “Dr. Noguchi’s Historical Achievement and His Legacy”. On August 11 and August 12, the official Ceremony for “Dr. Hideyo Noguchi’s Visit To Mexico” was held at the “Hideyo Noguchi Community Research Center” in Merida City and during the ceremony Dr. Homma was the key note speaker who spoke on the “The Legacy And Inspiration. We Inherited From Dr. Hideyo Noguchi” and was warmly applauded by hundreds of members in the audience.
During the four days of our visit to Mexico to take part in this very valuable occasion, we met numerous people who have devoted themselves to carry on Dr. Hideyo Noguchi’s legacy and spirit to the next generation in Mexico, and we were deeply touched with their great devotion and dedication towards this mission. We felt strongly that we wanted to try to keep in touch with them in the future.
-This report was prepared by Yoshio Kano on August 15, 2019-
